The Bakar's Babies Baby Sitters
Form Teacher:

English: Mrs J Kwek
Amaths & Emaths: Mr Loo HT
Chemistry: Mr Abu Bakar
Physics: Mrs Chan BH
SS: Ms Tan YL
PE: Mr Cleve Chia

3J 2009

1. Alison Cheong
2. Amanda Tang
3. Carissa Chew
4. Corliss Tan
5. Eunice Goh
6. Evelyn Lok
7. Felicia Sho
8. Geraldine Goh
9. Huang Wenxian
10. Jasmine Tan
11. Leow Hui Xuan
12. Lim Poh Yee
13. Lynn Ho
14. Isabel Ong
15. Saiket Jirapa
16. Samantha Foo
17. Gwenlyn Tan
18. Samantha Tan
19. Adam Bawany
20. Julian Chan
21. Bryan Chua
22. Eugene Lee
23. Hsu Yu-Hsuan
24. Jeremy Sim
25. Kion Shi Rong
26. Kow Kai Jie
27. Leong Wai Kit
28. Mark Alester
29. Ng Khang Siang
30. Desmond Ong
31. Darren Ong
32. Rano Matiin
33. Tan Hua Yeow
34. Joshua Tay
35. Nicholas Teo
36. Tham Weng Lun
37. Jeremy Toh
38. Tong Lap Way
39. Clayton Wong
40. Zachary Yeo

3J Cheers
The Jack & Jill Cheer
We're not Jack (Clap x3)
We're not Jill (Clap x3)
We're not Jack & Jill
Went up the hill
We're 3J, oh x3
3J, oh x3
3J, oh x3
Goooooooooo, 3J!

The Bakies (Bakar's Babies) Cheer
You look up and up
You look down and down
You look left and left
You look right and right
We say everywhere you look,
you'll see us.
We are the 3J, oh x3
3J, oh x3
Whatcha looking at?
We're the 3J!

The Dinosaur Cheer
Bakar is a dinosaur
from our imagination
When he's bald it's
what we call A chemistry sensation


Our Friends



Designer: Jane
Resources: 3J 3J
Basecode: 3J

Posted on: Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Posted at: 3:46 PM
hey guys, Jasmine here (: i  took a lot (seriously a lot, like 100+) of pictures during out inter-class games today and, I don't want to post the pictures up unnecessarily so I have the pictures on facebook, go see them there! just tell me if you guys really want them up here, then I'll put them up but if you think it's unnecessary then just log in to facebook and see them there. 

I think Jane's right! we should have a June holiday class outing (: and even though we didn't pass the auditions for the cheer competition, I am seriously very proud to be in a class like ours, where everyone co-operates and work so well together to the point that we can put up a decent cheer routine which is really not bad at all, within just a period of few hours! I am like, super amazed and how we managed to do it but we did it in the end (:

Guys, remember to post more in this blog okay! It has been stagnant for very long before Jane and I posted here >.<

Hello, all!
Posted on: Thursday, May 21, 2009
Posted at: 6:24 PM
Jane here. And I shall be the first person who wake this blog up. It has been sleeping for weeks! Right now I'm watching American Idol, woosh, Kris won!

Anyway, it was kinda amusingly cute when yesterday, we spent almost the whole morning practising for the cheer competition. Nobody by WG's really addictive! I'm very pleased that majority of us are really cooperative and enthusiastic. I like that kind of spirit and I feel that perhaps, when we're studying and revising, there should be this spirit among us.

BTW, don't get sooooo upset over results. They're just numbers. I mean, exams give us nothing in return if the only thing we care about is the results. Learn from the mistakes and never make them again! And as long as you've studied hard for it and put your best effort, I think that's all that matters. Don't pressurized yourself by you know wanting to get the best marks or whatsoever. Just relax and enjoy life. Go out and hang out with your friends. Don't spend your teenage life studying 24/7. Oh please! Come on, we're still young!

I'm thinking of having a class outing during the June holiday but I know it's pretty too late. So, drop that idea? What do you think?

BRING YOUR CAMERAS, we're gonna flash, flash, flash... on the Sports Day.

Anyone wanna make pom-poms or banners? For our classmates? Up to you guys, though! And instead of just wearing our class Ts, can you think of something unique, you know something that makes us stand out from the rest?